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Calm Care
I have created this program to combine specifically effective tools to deal with the emotional challenges of caring for others, and for those who simply give so much to the needs of others at their own emotional and physical expense.
Parents caring for a family,
Adult caring for an elderly relative,
A spouse caring for a beloved partner,
There are many emotional challenges involved. In this six module program you not only have the benefit of the Heart-Wall release via The Emotion Code, but I also include customized resources to help you understand and navigate relationship nuances, and help you find and maintain harmony in your life.
Total Value, $750
Your Total Cost: $349
Identify Heart-Wall and other trapped emotions, and release them to open pathways to healthier relationships with others and with yourself. Value $325 -> Your Price $162
Assessment with full-featured report to help you identify your own personal communication styles, and guidance on improving communications with your significant relationships.
Value $300 -> Your Price $150
Customized supplement choice delivered to you to assist with improved mood, energy levels, or mind focus. Value $55 -> Your Price $37
Bonus material
Coaching worksheets to help you identify your desired state of harmony. Value $45 -> Free!
Customized Essential Oil recommendations for your specific emotional needs. Value $25 -> Free!
Authentic Journaling lesson and journaling prompts to deepen your insights and bring clarity. Value $50 -> Free!
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